Checkout pareeniti chopra’s hottest and saxiest beautifull wallpapers and her new eye-catching look in upcoming movie DAAWAT-E-ISHG with her Co-star Aditya Roy Kapoor. After giving some blockbuster she made his new identity in bollywood industry. She is a good actress and also can you say a growing star.
Daawat-e-Ishq is an upcoming 2014 comedy drama Bollywood film produced by Aditya Chopra and directed by Habib Faisal under the Yash Raj banner Films. Parineeti Chopra and Aditya Roy Kapur are in the lead roles. Music of this movie has been composed by well known Sajid-Wajid. The film is scheduled on September 5, 2014 for worldwide release. So now find out some amazing pics as well as hot wallpapers of actress parineeti chopra in different looks.